Tuesday 15 March 2016

Bon Voyage Hilary

If you have followed the latest blog of our adventures around the Caribbean a name that cropped up quite frequently was that of Hilary. It is with great sadness and with the permission of Family and Friends that I can inform you that Hilary sadly passed away shortly after returning home. Brenda, Malcolm and myself attended her funeral on a beautiful spring like day in Bridgend on Monday 14th March.
Although I had only known Hilary for a comparatively short space of time, during our five weeks at sea,
we jelled, enjoyed one anothers company, companionship and foibles. Most of our time seemed to be spent laughing especially towards the end of the evening over a skinny latte.To say Hilary was a character would be an understatement, you will see if you read some of the earlier blogs that Hilary enjoyed life and people and people enjoyed her company and admired those heels she always wore. It was obvious just from the number of people who attended Hilary's funeral the high regarded and depth of friendship and admiration she was held in by young and more senior alike. The tales and anecdotes raised many smiles, and true to her old habits the service started five minutes late. As a nation I defy anyone to out sing the Welsh and during the singing of "Bread of heaven" (Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah) the hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I was ready to face the Zulu's. After having said a goodbye to our friend and fellow cruiser, I would ask you on your next journey be it on land or sea just spare a minute and raise a glass to our friend Hilary, gone but never forgotten.


  1. That's lovely Paul. We were so touched that you took the trouble on Monday to travel with Malcolm to sunny south Wales for Hilary's final farewell. The outpouring of support and respect for her really were a fitting tribute to the irreplaceable lady she was. We are all so much the better for knowing and loving her. Thank you Paul. X

  2. We really enjoyed following your blog Paul and it's a fitting tribute that our darling Hilary's had a mention after her sudden and unexpected death. The depth of feeling towards Hilary has been a great comfort and we will all remember her so fondly. We are certain her many seafaring friends will feel her loss deeply too. Thank you Paul for your kind and touching tribute and for taking the time to travel to the funeral. Best wishes.
