Saturday 5 May 2018

The Curse of the Cruise

Those of you who have followed my blog in the past will know that at times I have come home to a small domestic situation such as a kaput fridge, a knackered washing machine a banjaxxed shower and other little items usually as a result of the adventures of my friendly cat/flat sitter "Nunnsy". Since Loulabella passed away this was the first cruise that I could just lock the front door and not have to worry about anything back home. wrong. Arrived home yesterday midday, got my washing done, put in a Tesco online order to be delivered in the morning, made contact with family to let them know "The Eagle has Landed" This morning a lovely long shower without having to do your contortionist act and reversing onto taps, only to hear the sound of water running even after I have turned off the shower, stepped out of the shower only to be confronted with another cold shower coming through the ceiling of the bathroom and quickly forming a lake on the bathroom floor. So I go ice skating across the floor manage to locate and turn off the stop cock, and electrical water heating, lay down a swathe of towels, get a bowl from the kitchen and all before I have had my Cornflakes, now to find a plumber on a Bank Holiday weekend. The Curse of the Cruise Strikes. Part two, I eventually got the leak sorted out, thinking everything was back to normal, wrong, the thermostat on the immersion heater has just been and blown so no hot water, happy days. I must go down to the sea again.

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