Saturday 19 January 2013

The Usual Suspects

Table 71

A successful cruise depends on having an open mind, good weather and excellent dining companions, the  last can make or break your cruising experience. The first evening that I should have met my companions got off to an ignominious start, coming aboard at 3-00 ish and taking part in emergency evacuation drills (Titanic Time) then going back to the cabin and unpacking, thinking I'll just read a few pages of my book then waking up at 10-15pm just in time to go to bed and missing out on your first dinner sitting is not a great start. So with a measure of apprehension I made sure I was early the next night to meet my dining companions, at our table of single travellers, seven of us had been placed together, three ladies, three gentlemen and me. After making my profuse apology for missing the previous evening, introductions were made and luckily by associating people's names with books and songs I was able to remember them (for those of you who know me well an amazing feat given my short term memory) where was I, oh yes we had Georgie (from the Seekers song) an Enigma and child of the Sixties who once lived in the Kings Road, Chelsea, Janet of that literary classic Janet and John made famous by the much lamented Terry Wogan breakfast show, later to become known as Mother Superior, Lorna of Lorna Doone fame, every bit as pretty as the heroine of the book, with a great sense of humour.  With my love of Irish music Sean and Patrick gave me no problems in thinking of The Pogues and I could not get the Pogue's album "Rum, sodomy and the Lash out of my mind, very appropriate for a sea journey. Last but not least was a fellow West Countryman, Malcolm who I equated to Malcolm McLaren puppet master of the Sex Pistols, which if you ever have the good luck to meet Malcolm could not be further from the truth, a gentleman and a scholar very much old school, a dying breed. It became clear very quickly evident that through some quirk of fate, and the seating manager's whim we had been dealt an excellent hand that would help enhance our collective cruise experiences. Unfortunately we were to loose one of our company, Lorna, a cruise first timer along with Sean, unfortunately Lorna found the swell of our Atlantic crossing just too much for her and although it did settle down a bit she decided to make arrangements to fly back home to the UK from Antigua we gathered in the Atrium to see her off and wish her safe journey, although I only knew her for a short time she was a fun Lady with a great sense of fun. We did have another person transferred to our table, I will not identify him to protect the innocent, let us just say it was oil and water syndrome and there was a collective sigh of relief when a transfer bid came in for him (real or imaginary I cannot say) and it was agreed, without doubt it was best for all parties, those two days were as welcome as a guide dog with rabies. I can say that this is one of the most enjoyable cruises that I have been on and that is in no small part due to my fellow conspirators on Table 71, including the PA and events co-ordinator and table monitor, Sports Correspondent, quoits player and putter extraordinaire, the Big Sunburnt Teddy Bear who has developed into a confirmed future cruiser, the Spokesman & bargain hunter and our child of the 60s and veteran of Stones concerts on Eel Pie Island. Ladies & Gents thanks for your company and if you try and sue me I will deny it all.

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