Tuesday 20 August 2013

Off we go again

Getting ready for the next Expedition

Here we go again on the next little adventure, this time to the USA & Canada. I set sail from Southampton on 3rd September and return on 28th September this time a new ship to explore , the Aurora on which I have a single cabin forward which will come in real handy when we get into the Northern Atlantic where I can offer my services to the Captain as an extra pair of eyes on Iceberg watch, note to self remember to pack binoculars and drag outfit just in case, pay attention during lifeboat drill and locate nearest lifeboat/raft to my cabin.
I thought it was time to pay our American cousins a visit and just correct them on a few things, such as the use of the letter "u" in colour the correct way to pronounce and spell aluminium. Remind them that as inventors of the game it is most definitely Football and not Soccer failure to comply and Nanny will make them sit on the naughty step and they won't have Jelly for tea. Anyway one tea party does not mean you own a country. I am filled with vim and vigour that this trip has an evangelical spirit to it, it must almost be the same feeling that David Livingstone had as he set off for the dark unexplored corners of Africa. My itinerary includes New York, Newport Rhode Island, Boston, Portland then on to Canada. If you notice these Yankee chappies hanker for the Mother Land the clue is in the names selected from, the Counties of Yorkshire, Gwent, Lincolnshire and Dorset the missionary force within gets stronger by the minute.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to reading more and seeing images from your journey! :)
