Tuesday 3 September 2013

So it begins

So it begins, here we are aboard the good ship Aurora just about to cast off having survived the infamous queing to get on board and the security checks, security is provided by G4 who with all its current problems have crossed out the words please and thank you from the training manual, unless as someone suggested they are unable to speak English and are failed assylum seekers, the old saying poacher turned gamekeeper comes to mind. On the up side all the waiting about does give you the chance to look around your fellow passengers. So far I have spotted the "Salmon" which is probably unkind the gentleman in question has such a protrouding lower jaw and his upper is recedding so much that it comes to a an up turned point also it is 1quite warm he is a shade of pink, I wonder if he is going back to Canada to spawn. I will keep an eye out in case he tries to swim out of the pool and leaps towards the Jacuzzi, reminder must check pH and chlorine, once a poolie always a poolie. I can catergorically state that with the older female set this year in the casual top department you are either a Leopard or a Zebra have not spotted any inter species attacks as yet but can live in hope, Granny wrestling would be a better choice than the trio knocking out Abba numbers around the watering hole also known as the Crystal Pool. Well imbibbing a Stella purely for rehydration purposes I spotted a pack three of predators circling the watering hole, of the female variety having finished the Asti they then went on the food hunt, I believe they will endeavour to hunt and corner males over the next few days, I will don camoflage gear and report if they are succesful in the hunt. Of intrest to Darren & Lisa I have spotted the Lesser spotted amateur photographer, he is in display mode with three camera's dangling around his neck, one with a telephoto lens on that must be all of three feet long, plus a video camera a lickle point and click, he would have a wonderful scrap value, if he goes overboard with that lot on his neck in my professional opinion as an ex lifeguard he is a gonner. I wonder if photographers are like sports car owners and the length of the lens on display is a subconcious phallic statement? Time to get up on deck and have my free glass of champers as we sail away down the Solent leaving behind the majesty of Fawley Oil refinery, the container terminal and all those symbols that make you proud to be British

1 comment:

  1. I shall never look at a salmon again and think of it in the same way :D

    Missing you and looking forward to catch up soon - hope you have not yet got cornered by the cougars!
