Sunday 2 October 2016

Going Home

Overnight we have entered the depression that is associated with another severe storm and high winds that seem to have dogged us throughout our Atlantic crossings, it's running ahead of us and we can expect high swells, much rock and rolling, up around storm force 9 or 10 for the next three days, deep joy. The sick bags are out again and the Arcadia two step is much in evidence, two forward three backward, making it very difficult to get around if you have any mobility issues. Last nights show in the Palladium Theatre "Killer Queen" had to be modified as it was to dangerous for the dancers, with a high risk of injury to the dancers, it became just a vocal show, but in the best theatre traditions, the show must go on. We noticed that we had gained a different cabin person, we assumed that "Poly" our happy, smiling, helpful cabin attendant had a day off or was under the weather. We have since discovered that he had to leave the ship at our last port of call to return to India, were his father had been taken very seriously ill. We have subsequently learnt that very sadly his father has passed away whilst he was in transit. Our thoughts are with Poly and his family at this sad time, it puts our small problems of a choppy sea and a bit of wind into context. Travel safely Poly.

Even the pool got choppy

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