Tuesday 22 September 2015


Our final port of call today, Gibraltar, initially some bright spark had this earmarked for tender transfers, thankfully this got changed and the said bright spark who planned it has been promoted sideways. The only problem now is the visit has been cut back and is now from 9am to 1pm we have the outer most berth and two other ships are berthed at the same time. An awful lot of people trying to get through customs, get taxis or walk the mile or so into town, once you are there an hour to look around then head back to the boat, some would argue that an hour is more than enough to look around Gib, some would go further and say an hour is too much. I decided not to be part of the cavalry charge and save it and make it a worthwhile visit in the future. I have had a good nose around the ship especially the upper decks were the promenade deck is, deck 17 on this ship on most ships deck 7 is the prom deck, so for the quoit fans (Malcolm) this is were it all happens not over generous with space but not a lot of trouble with crowds invading the pitch. We tower over the Costa Romantica berthed next door,which gives you a true perspective of how big Britannia really is. We also have a grandstand view of the airport and runway which has a main road running across it, the traffic lights turn red when an aircraft is about to land or take off. Hope nobody is colour blind. Just had a sit down for a diet Pepsi by the grab and go fast food outlet, which could have the alternative title of, let yourself go,  just watched a chap have three large bottles of beer served at his table then went and got three Big Mac type burgers, 4 dishes of fries and 6 pieces of Southern Fried chicken for his family, wrong it was a snackette for himself, Sumo wrestler in training and they call this place the Rock.

Gib with the other ships in

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