Monday 7 April 2014

Doctor, Doctor.

Today we arrived in Grenada, which means only one more port of call (Barbados) then we start the journey back across the Atlantic via Horta in the Azores. In two previous attempts I have not made it into Horta because it is a tender transfer and the weather has been too rough to launch the tender boats, third time lucky!
Our Indian brethren are a little bit down today after losing the world 20/20 final to Sri Lanka, one diner suggested that our waiter cheer up, it's only a cricket match it's not life and death, the waiter came back with a classic " No it's more important than that" silence was the reply. Yesterday in Dominica being Sunday all the shops were shut, so the only option was to adjourn to a bar and sample the local beer at $2 a bottle, after 6 I decided it was quite nice and had some great conversations with two ladies from Abergavenny also two gentlemen from Rochdale and a guy from Dominica who's laugh was so thick and deep, if treacle had a noise that would be it, all in all a great way to spend a Sunday lunchtime. The Welsh ladies offered their opinions on various acts that have been performing on board, the latest comedian was "Rubbish" we have heard better at the Working Men's Club, the male singer was very good, looking forward to seeing him again, mind you not as good as Tom Jones, see. A tough audience indeed. Apparently the sick bay have been relatively busy from trips and falls as a result of the rough Atlantic passage, one of my dinning companions tripped and cut her leg on the side of the bed on the first evening, it was serious enough to warrant 12 stitches on the lower leg and a course of anti-biotics and having it checked every two days, the lady who is in a wheelchair cannot speak highly enough of the treatment she has received. The running total for her treatment so far is £800 and rising, just shows the importance of travel insurance. Another gentleman at our table who wears hearing aids woke up one morning to find his pillow covered in blood, his hearing aid had caused an infection in his ear which had burst causing the blood, after treatment at the medical centre they stopped the bleeding, but he has been unable to wear his hearing oaid, and he may have to go to the local hospital in Barbados and have the offending blood vessel cauterised. We have been taking the Mickey with fake sign language and offering to buy a hearing trumpet ashore, which he joins in with. Our table is now known as "Emergency Ward 10" and after dessert we now have Doctors Rounds instead of coffee.

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