Sunday 13 April 2014

Nature Watch

As the temperature begins to drop by about two degrees a day the fight is on for space on deck to squeeze the last bit of tanning potential out of the sun. If you are up early enough a get a seat just outside the Conservatory eatery and arm yourself with a cup of coffee and a croissant at a table tucked away in the corner of the Lido deck over looking the grandly named "Crystal Pool" (Techie note, good Chlorine Levels, poor pH 7.9 not sure of TDS but pretty sure incontinence is the issue) you can assume the role of David Attenborough observing a watering hole in the Kruger National Park. The elders of the pack approach the area with the confidence of many seasons behind them, moving a little slower now but looking for all the signs, estimating the course and track of the sun, licking the finger and testing for wind, weather wise not personal, estimating the premier spot with optimum opportunity and starting the complicated business of nest building for them self and their mate. This is shortly followed by the dance of the beach towel as it is spread and denotes their territory which prevents others encroaching, this is followed by moving other items into the area preventing other nest builders from getting too close, but at the same time as moving items of furniture about, such as small tables to place all the paraphernalia needed for this 10 hour ritual. If at any time others try to invade the site, it can lead to major displays of anger and subtle retaliation. It should be noted that the urinating on items to denote the nest site area is no longer practised intentionally but I am not sure about in the watering hole, see my Techie Note, I thinks tis is more to do with Arthritis, Hip Replacements and steep pool ladders and being able to get out in time. Once established the site is never left unattended for fear of a Cuckoo entering the nest, items are placed to discourage interlopers, such as books, hats, IPads, sun creams and other various unctions, this is most noticeable at feeding times, when partners take it in turns to eat, or alternatively the female of the species circles the Buffett with an expert eye, and armed with several napkins gathers rolls, cold meats & fruit to take back to the communal nest. So it carries on throughout the day until the last ray of sunlight leaves the sky and silence returns to the watering hole, only for it all to be repeated tomorrow.

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