Tuesday 15 April 2014

Homeward Bound

Now the end is near(make a good opening for a song that) time to reflect on the trip and the people I have met along the way and some of the events. On a personal note there were three or four days that I was scared to cough or sneeze because the outcome could of been catastrophic, I could well of had the best suntanned legs on board, something didn't agree with me, it all settled down, thank god for Imodium. One person sadly passed away during the cruise, I understand that there is a special storeage facility on board and special procedures that are gone through to return the person to the UK, I have not been able to face frozen peas since I was given this information. P&O continue to practice piracy on the high seas with their pricing regime for internet usage, £64 for 240 minutes, with lesser times proportionately dearer still, crew members who are also charged extortionate prices wait to hit port and find free wifi access so they can contact home during their nine month contracts. I have been fortunate to meet many nice people during the cruise, also a few who are full of their own self importance and are quick to "address you like a public meeting" to them in the wise words of Mrs Agnes Brown " That's Nice"
I know it's time to come home and face the cat as I found myself making out a shopping list for Tesco's, how sad is that? At this point in every cruise I find myself thinking how brilliant the staff on board are, they work remarkably hard and are always cheerful and smiling for a pittance of a wage, and have to endure some obnoxious behaviour from passengers at times, they seem to be powered by Duracell batteries, thanks guys for making it a trip to remember, yet again.

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