Friday 11 April 2014

Does Lightning strike twice in the same place?

In my previous blog I regaled you with story of the Loo Water flooding of my dining companion's cabin in the early hours of the morning. Does Lightning Strike in the same place twice? Is there such a thing as a Jonah? Do Bears shit in the wood? Well that Finger of Fate had not stopped flying yet, it came back to the same cabin in the early hours of the morning two days to do a lap of honour and deposit the contents of the said loo system into his bathroom and part of his bedroom floor again. It was almost a complete repeat performance again, but detected a bit earlier this time, so the area of damp or as he called it " The tide did not rise as far this time " (Typical English understatement & reserve). Taking it all in his stride after the clean up operation again, he wrote a stiff letter, to the House Services Manager suggesting that this should not be happening, once is an accident, twice is downright careless and he might want to consider some form of compensation for inconvenience and lack of sleep. A very calm and measured response, compared to most of us. If Barbs had been on board and it had happened to her (She took these things very personally) she would be several hundred pounds better off, had a discount or free future cruise, and been displaying a new set off earrings made of someone's testicles before the cock crowed the dawn. (fact).

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