Sunday 15 September 2013

And the Winner is.

Well the big news from Aurora today is we have a problem with the Cruiser's friend NoroVirus  with quite a few passengers confined to their cabins for 48 hours and extreme health and cleaning steps put into place. Although it is done for your own good and benefit some of the older passengers don't take to it very well and are downright rude to the crew who are working really hard to contain it and minimise the effects so people can enjoy themselves. One lady plonked herself at a table and when asked to move because that side of the resteraunt was closed for cleaning refused point blank as she was a paying customer and it was her right to sit where ever she choose. Some people on here need to realise that old age comes to us all, but respect is not a side effect of age we all achieve that with out really trying, respect has to be earnt.  Personally if I was the waiter dealing with her I would of made sure I dropped her food and coughed on it and left my thumb in it when placing it on the table. While having a quiet five minutes and a small libation I thought I would do a head count of Zimmers and Wheelchairs. In ten minutes I counted 22 of these lethal weapons of various sizes, one lady who has part of my foot attached to her tyre I have nicknamed Bodicea as she takes no prisoners, god help you if you meet her in the narrow passageways leading to cabins (where she got my foot) or reversing into a lift. In a previous life she was either a Rally Driver or was into Stock Car racing, I think we could have a new form of entertainment two chairs either end of the passageway and off they set from opposite ends, the ultimate game of chicken, my money is on Bodicea.

1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to seeing an image of Bodicea! Stay away from the virus :D
