Tuesday 24 September 2013

Up and Down. Down and Up

Only 1,863 miles to home so the bridge inform us at noon, with the little nugget thrown in that during the night we passed within a 100 miles of the Titanic's last resting place. Oh well heave  ho and up she rises, we hit a choppy bit of sea overnight that has steadily increased overnight and has got people hanging on to handrails ready for that extra special bronco buck that comes along every 2-3 minutes, the waiters scurry around as if they have Velcro on their shoes. I have positioned myself at the top of the stairs leading up from the Atrium in the Costa Coffee shop partaking of a large Latte and watching the impromptu cabaret of the staircase two step, does this make me a sadist or a masochist? The best comment heard so far today a Lady on crutches accompanied by her husband approached the head of the stairs and he stopped her from going down, how thoughtful I thought concerned for her safety only for that to be blown away by his next statement " there's shops down there". Yesterday before our current rough spell it was a pleasant day that brought out the sun bathers  and swimmers, I watched this striking guy who is not unlike Matt Lucas in appearance (Little Britain) having a very loud shouted conversation with a  barman before stomping off and jumping into a hot tub spa, imagine my surprise when later at the formal dressed dinner, I saw the same chap dressed to the nines riding into the Medina dinning room on a mobility scooter, perhaps it is Andy from "Little Britain" or who he was modelled on, should I ask for his autograph or X. Some people are very difficult to please the table behind me in the dinning room have provided unwitting entertainment and frustration for me the whole cruise and one of the reasons I have not minded dinning alone. Last nights conversation was a classic, ranging from can't wait to pull into the first Motorway Services area on the way home to have egg and chips, to in case it's cold upon their return the Winter Duvet. Electric Blanket and emergency hot water bottle are strategically placed for ease of access in the airing cupboard. Other topics for complaint have included, compulsory tipping, to few chips on the plate, how slow the lifts are, staff are to familiar with passengers, quality or lack of it with the toilet paper, the extra sanitary precautions taken during the Noro Virus outbreak, the standard of people taking cruises has declined the list goes on, if ignorance is bliss these 4 people are in paradise. Tonight I am invited to a drinks party for previous P &O cruisers, that will offer a rich vein of potential observations and a chance of a free few drinkie poos before dinner, as the drink flows watch the the defences and accents drop. I will do my best to uphold the proud traditions of Wiltshire, oh arr me dear.

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