Thursday 12 September 2013

The Bronx is up the Battery down

Aurora docked in New York

Rather than hang about in the immigration and wait for the all clear to go back on board I decided to go New York walk about (a term I use loosely)  after getting a free city map a guy who I had in stitches by just saying Cheers instead of thank you, he asked me to say it four times, at least I made his day. As soon as I left the building the heat hit you between the eyes, no air, traffic fumes attacking your throat, after two minutes I knew how a chicken felt in the microwave! Having located 42nd Street (Sounds good, better than Acacia Drive) I proceed in an Easterly direction heading for Time Square, one thing immediately struck me was the reason they have so many car accidents is they drive on the wrong side of the road. This flagrant abuse of the highway code has an immediate problem when crossing roads in looking completely the wrong way for traffic and risking life and limb. As I carried on my merry way it became obvious everyone is in a rush to get somewhere they should of been five minutes ago and as a further handicap they seem to be surgically attached to their cell phones or are having frantic conversation waving arms about on Bluetooth. I have come to the conclusion that shops are shops the world over just the quality in the way they display their goods change and the price, this is a statement from the male perspective, because I did witness several lady passengers in a pure state of ecstasy and miserable faced husbands carrying, Maceys, SAKs  and Bloomingdales carriers, shopping therapy transporter 3,500 miles or as one bloke put it "we are playing the away leg". Times square was certainly worth the walk (it took three beers to complete the journey) the whole world and it's dog passed you by in a matter of moments a sensory overload and I would imagine more so at night with all the signs a light. It was time to make the return journey, another 3 beers with the hidden tax and 15% tip or hop a Yellow Cab. Getting a Cab that is  free is another trick thats easier said than done, I got one eventually driven by that all American boy Ahmed. $15 dollars and a $5 dollar tip later I arrive back at the terminal, limping well, but I managed it. Ahmed's parting shot was remember it will be hard to get a cab tomorrow because it is a very important day for all the World 9/11 and don't forget the 4 minutes silence, multiculturalism at its finest.

The Twin Towers memorial spotlights 

New York night sail away

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