Tuesday 19 August 2014

Alesund and the bed moved

Things that go bump in the night, well the overnight passage to our next port of call, Alesund, was anything but smooth sailing, the Captain with typical understatement said it might get a bit choppy over night, he was not joking, it was like the haunted house at the funfair. Not many people got a good nights sleep, heard one lady say she got thrown out of bed, couple of people had falls and ended up in sick bay. The bleary faces at breakfast bore testament to the overnight activity. The front that caused the weather has followed us and it is persistently coming down, I ventured along the jetty and into town and was wet through inside of 5 minute, where upon it started to get worse and the wind got up (weather type wind not personal) turning it to a veritable monsoon and bloody cold with it. I decided to do what any sensible person would do and forgo the mock gothic, neo classical and art nouveau architecture and make a tactical withdrawal back to the ship for a warm shower a change of clothes and a warm latte.

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