Monday 18 August 2014

Fun in Phlegm

Well here we are in Flam or as one lady insisted on calling it Phlegm. The approach up the Fjord is spectacular it makes Cheddar Gorge look like a Lego kit, the tops of the Mountains/Hills have been bathed in low cloud all day and it reminds me of the scene in the excellent film "The Thirteenth Warrior" starring Antonio Banderas were they are defending a Viking Village and they see the Fire Worm come down the mountain for the first time, very atmospheric, see the movie a good watch. Flam itself is OCD heaven, a place for everything and everything in its place, not a bit of litter to be seen, even under the trees not a leaf on the ground, everything arranged parade ground perfect. No peeling paint, builders skips, scaffolding, immaculate flower beds. They even have there own Forrest Gump riding around on a little red lawn mower cutting the grass perfectly leaving Wembley type stripes behind. The railway station is just like Trumpton, not sure if the driver sings the song as he poodles along. Please don't get me wrong none of my comments are meant as criticisms it's all a pleasant surprise almost like being in a time warp of Britain in the 50's people here have civic pride, everywhere I have seen so far would win Best Kept Village and Britain in Bloom awards, the backdrops lend themselves to it as the sunlight falls across the slopes and lights up one of the many waterfalls that cascade down the mountainsides. The most important resource of all are the people who are charming, friendly, polite and welcoming and go out of their way to help. The sail away in the late afternoon sunlight down the 13 mile fjord is amazing with farms and houses perched precariously on the steep wooded hillsides, fishing villages with there houses painted all the colours of the rainbow if this is the first day I can't wait to see the rest of this country.

Flam Station & Village
 Approaching Flam

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