Saturday 23 September 2017

Captains Revenge

Today we arrived in Northern Tenerife in Santa Cruz, weather can be a bit hit or miss on this side of the island, the coastline here is quite rough and rugged and quite like North Cornwall in places. It was noticeable shortly after we tied up all the mobile phones started giving off various ringtones, vibrations to alert you that you have received a text messages informing the throngs that whatever phone plan in terms of free minutes and free texts you have in the UK they applied here in Tenerife. That was all they was needed and phones became surgically attached to ears and hands, the participants came in all shapes and sizes and of all ages. Can you remember when nobody could get in contact with you for a fortnight and the joy or misery of getting home and catching up on all the news and gossip, seems like a life time ago. Am I being a hypocrite making that last statement as I write and publish this blog? We have had extra time in port today as we have a very short hop to the next island. People have taken advantage and travelled further a field and it's showing we were supposed to sail at 9-30 it's 10pm and we are still alongside and about a 100 passengers light, give an inch. I have also come across this small guy who seems to have a waistcoat for every occasion and intentionally as a result stands out and his hobby in life seems to be complaining, every time I see him he is bending someone's ear, the roughness of the towels, the lack of choice at the buffets, slowness of staff serving, how long it takes to get off the ship, how long it takes to get on the ship. It has been suggested in some quarters that when he was circumcised, the wrong bit got chucked away,I bet he is having a breakdown about the late sailing tonight. Mother Nature has exacted her revenge up to now all our journey has been like a mill pond, when we eventually cleared the harbour it started to cut up rough with bottles falling off tables at 3am and an all cabin announcement at 1am apologising for the loss of electrical power and normal service will be resumed ASAP, just what the nervous traveller needs to hear, Captains revenge is sweet.

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