Saturday 23 September 2017

So it begins

If anyone has followed any of my earlier blogs they will know there is a definite lack of affinity between myself and electronic key cards. On my last cruise over 28 days I managed to go through 7 of them.My own key card Albatross has moulted over the summer and grown new plumage and is circling over my cabin. Key cards dictate your life onboard, they define your very existence, without your card no drinks, internet time, you are a non person, you become like the Norwegian Blue in the Monty Python Sketch an ex parrot who has shuffled of its mortal coil, and not able to get back in your bloody cabin. So the ritual begins the trip to reception. "Good morning Sir, how can I help you?" My key card will not work it has become demagnetised. " Have you tried cleaning the strip then retrying it slowly?" Yes and it still did not work which is why I am here. "Has it been in contact with anything magnetic, like your phone or any other electronic device?" No, I always seem to have a problem with swipe cards de sensitising. " well in my experience it is most unusual sir" it is that unusual that it happened to me 7 times in 28 days on my last cruise. "Oh I see Sir, I see from my screen this is your second one in 4 days already" Yes that's what I have already told you, I am surprised your screens are still working with me stood so close to them. " I will go and make you another one, let's hope this one lasts a bit longer" Humpf I doubt it, thank you see you in a day or two. This script and scene will be repeated by Saturday, I will still be playing me, the role of receptionist will be played by another of the ensemble.  Still the Albatross circles. Takes key card in trembling hand inserts into lock, a green light comes on and I am back in my cabin. In the words of Frankenstein "It Lives" but the pessimist in me says for how long. Place your Bets.

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