Saturday 23 September 2017

The Red Arrows perhaps!

First port day and the age old cruise rituals begin. To compound the usual stampede for the gangway or as I refer to it"Dunkirk Mode" where you can observe first hand the survival of the fittest as much jostling, elbowing and jockeying for position as this is a mixed cruise you can also add in the odd knee capping with a pushchair. 
Luckily wheelchairs conventional and electric plus Zimmer frames have an exit off a lower deck with less incline, this does not stop the popping of the odd wheelie and one or two hitting the quayside at Lewis Hamilton type speed, while the person accompanying is trying manfully to keep up. One or two look in the need of a swift blast of oxygen or you see then furgling  around in bags for a green or blue inhaler. Welcome to Medira. To compound the queues even more that are formed waiting to get off 90 minutes after the gang plank went down, there is an emergency drill for the ships crew, who are fighting an imaginary fire on decks 7,6 & 5 which also corresponds with the decks that people are getting off and now the full emergency signal is going off,brewery, cock and up come to mind, and stoically  the Brits continue to queue. I met a charming Lady who is travelling with her husband she must be in her mid seventies and carries her own oxygen supply pump. One of the things that she had booked was a trip in one of famous toboggans that come careering down the hill side spewing sparks from the runners and the shoes that the guys steering wear, anyone spotting a problem here, she could end up coming down the hill .jet propelled doing a passable Red Arrows impersonation. 

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