Friday 29 January 2016

it's quicker by Tube

If I said to you Tortola what would be the first thing that sprang to your mind? Maybe white sands, palm trees or rum punch, for me it is catheters, you may well ask what has happened to his warped mind, has he had too much sun? Let me explain, after wandering around the streets of this friendly little island, where motorists stop and let pedestrians cross the road the minute you step foot on the Tarmac not just pedestrian crossings, instead of aiming for you. Where people genuinely smile at you and have a chat, I found my way to Pussers Rum Outpost, a name that will be remembered by anyone that has served in the Royal Navy. I entered for some free Wifi and an ice cold beer. As I settled down to quaff my libation my attention was drawn to a 50 inch TV on the wall, that was airing the Weather Channel on came the adverts the usual run of the mill type, then came a slick all singing and dancing ad that had flashing lights, rockets, booming voice over, it had grabbed my attention, waiting for the punch line it had me hooked, what could it be selling? Then a young lady with a winning flashing smile presented a Dinky little case to camera offering a lubricated, discreet ladies catheter quickly followed by the larger gentlemen's equivalent. Then followed two minutes of every self fitting catheter you could imagine some of the male silicone versions brought tears to my eyes,followed by much leg crossing, looking around the bar I was not alone. There was also a mass exodus of both sexes to the toilets, has commercial TV missed an opportunity, if you will excuse the pun, there is a whole untapped market out there. On my way back to the sorry for the inconvenience partially finished cruise terminal in the governmental area of town I walked down Administration street and The Noel Lloyd Positive Action Movement Park which sounded a lot of fun. Outside the Administration Building for the Island, a brand new and imposing building that would not be out of place in the "First World" I saw a mother hen and her three chicks wandering about scratching around and feeding, which just about sums up this lovely island. Now after four cold bottles of beer and no handy loos, I am starting to appreciate the convenience of self catheratisation.

Pussers Outpost Tortola

The Park

Government House a fowl place

Beautiful Tortola

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