Wednesday 6 January 2016

The ups and downs of life at Sea

The Captain was not joking when he warned us all of rough weather ahead especially while crossing the infamous Bay of Biscay overnight. In the early evening as fewer people than normal made there way for there chosen entertainment for the evening, it was interesting to watch the variations of the "Oceana" waltz. As the deck rolled on the up swell people would take two paces forward  then on the fall they would race backwards at a great rate of knots. For the reasonably ambulant this is little more than inconvenient but for the gammy legged, those with sticks and Zimmer frames it is down right impossible to get around (bloody funny to watch). Another certain sign of rough weather is the mystical appearance of sick bags at every stair landing. One chap I was talking to (not for very long) had been given a sure fire way of beating seasickness, this involved looking forward in the direction of travel and fixing your eyes on the horizon, after two minutes he rushed off defeated, I am not surprised the rise and fall was 8-12 feet and sea was breaking over the bow, it was like riding a bucking bronco. We have been informed that as we turn the corner and enter the Bay of Biscay it will settle down a bit and hit us from the the side, changing from up and down to rolling side to side, as one guy who has been sick since sailing that's like asking the condemned man if he would prefer to be shot or hung. Heave ho and up she rises, off to the bar.

Best place to be when it starts to get rough!

Captain's prediction correct

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