Saturday 23 January 2016

Spot the Kiddywink

When is a family ship not a family ship? When there is only one child onboard, yes that's right one child and three dedicated members of the children's team to look after her for 37 days. Yesterday was a sea day and I saw a most surreal scene of a children's treasure hunt with one participant clipboard in hand being trailed by her three minders. I wonder how the hide and seek is going to work out?  She could end up allergic to face paint if they go through the full range. We have gone through a succession of time changes since leaving the UK, we are now minus 6 hours GMT, to most people this is not a problem. Hilary on the other hand has had the slight hiccup, for example the Transit of the Panama Canal started at around 6.45, which was also sunrise, somehow she managed to set it for 5am, much to cabin mate Brenda's consternation. Although her time keeping is getting better, we still have to factor in a possible 5-10 minute delay for our schedules meet up for our evening meal, thanks to the Queen of Procrastination, who is also single handedly, keeping the hairdressing salon onboard busy, since setting out we are up to appointment number five and still counting. Today we have reached Honduras Bay Islands and the port Roatan Island, spread around the. Island are 6 cruise ships,we are sharing a berth with Costa ship and predominantly Italian cruisers at the manmade resort of Mahogany Bay, which has all the usual high end shops you would expect and a manmade beach which you can walk too, but unusually you can also get to by a chair lift as you see in ski resorts, I see some potential here for a bit of devilment here as a revenge for bad timekeeping. I overheard one old sweat telling anyone who would listen that if there were to many Italians on the beach and you wanted some room, just shout "Anzio" (Sorry Alberto).

Cable car to the beach

Retail therapy with a touch of Procrastination

The band played on

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Mahogany Beach

Diving Lessons on the wreck

The man made shopping complex


  1. This made us laugh. Our beloved Hilary, the queen of procrastination? No! Send her our love. Nia x

  2. I'd have known who you were referring to from your description without a name! HMB - bet you're having a ball. Happy sailing ;-)

  3. The worst thing happened at a history quiz last night,she who will not be named was given three choices for an answer, 36 hours later we are still waiting for an answer. Glad you are enjoying the blog more to follow.
