Monday 4 January 2016

New Journey Same Problem

Well it's started already, for those of you who have followed my adventures on various P&O vessels that I have been lucky enough to sail on to various parts of the world know in the early stages I usually spot one or two candidates amongst my fellow passengers or crew who I think might be worthy of mention as they might just be what we Brits like to call "individuals" "characters" or whacky. This time I did not have to look very far, as dear reader the chief candidate for mirth was yours truly. What happened was, I thought a skinny latte was in order, start as you mean to go on. I ensconced myself in a very comfortable chair watched the comings and goings of Southampton harbour, watched the sun slowly setting, seagulls wheeling and making their way to roost for the night, happy in my own little twilight world time to check out my cabin. Step off to make my way to the lifts, without realising there is a step down, giving an excellent practical example of Newtons theory of gravitation, I went ass over tit. Pride being one of the best known cures for male stupidity, I got up quicker than I went down. Quite a few people came to my assistance enquiring after my well being, checking how I could of drunk that amount in such a short time(cheeky sods). One gentleman, a professional carer looking after a Downs lad offered help in a fashion that was almost enquiring were my helper was. At this point I assured them I was ok and have had worse happen and made a hasty retreat to the lift. So that's me earmarked for the rest of the trip " There he is Mavis the big bloke that was pissed and went flying within30 minutes of being onboard" my reputation for the journey is cast. To top it off the Captain has just informed us that because of adverse weather in the Channel and Bay of Biscay sailing has been delayed until 3am, he reckons it will still be rough but only 6-8 metre swells, stills sounds a lot to me, looks like sick bags all round. If I go for another trip at least I can blame it on the motion of the Ocean!!!

Janet's Old Friends on Oceana
It came to pass
Charlwood Fell Here (Brass Plaque to be Added Later)


  1. A dramatic way to get noticed!A As long as you are ok. Take care. Anne xx

  2. If only we had a video clip of this! :Dx

  3. If only we had a video clip of this! :Dx
