Wednesday 20 January 2016

The Peril of Yellow

An update on the "Lady in Yellow" situation, after a couple of days of appearing with Perma Tan man hand in hand like loves young dream and being dressed for a remake of Saturday Night Fever with the gentleman all in white including white shoes open neck shirt and medallion on a gold chain strong enough to tow a broken down Rolls Royce and parading up and down the staircases in the Atrium as if it was the catwalk at a Paris fashion show, the first cracks of disharmony have started to show. This came in the shape of a very public stand up row while waiting for a lift, I think alcohol was a contributing factor, or the rate that the Ladies bar bill was increasing, while the gentleman's remained static. As they say in the newspaper trade this story still has legs. As today is a "sea day" on our way to the Panama Canal, I have attended a lecture about "Pirates" of the real variety not the Johnny Depp ilk. Followed by a classical concert this afternoon then a high tea, which still being good I shall pass on and have a couple of pieces of fruit. As the temperature climbs I have succumbed and the legs are on display, I am glad to say that mine fit relatively well, unlike some male and female short wearers who seem to be having to be permanently adjusting their gussets or something that is located in that general area, I find this very off putting while adjustments are being made in mid conversation, no matter how much you try to avoid it the eyes automatically look in that region as if by magnetism, very off putting when discussing pirates and the torture with crabs!!!!!

Should of been a PI

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