Tuesday 26 January 2016

Jammin in Jamaica

BWe have arrived in Montego Bay, Jamaica the Captain parked the ship very nicely alongside the dock on this beautiful island next door to the building site and "The Best Dressed Chicken" factory (The Jamaican equivalent of KFC) luckily the processing, dressing takes place elsewhere, just distribution here. In the mean time Hilary & Brenda have had another incident with a phantom alarm sounding at 2.30am, one heard it and got up and started making coffee the other didn't, UN peacekeepers have been informed. On a personal note as many of you know I suffer from a gammy ankle caused by shrapnel from an old war wound that I don't like to talk about (A lie, it's osteoarthritis from previous broken legs). After my early morning shower I contrived to kick the leg of the chair with my good foot, and proceeded to do my Michael Flattley nude Riverdance impression (your are dead right dear reader, not a pretty sight) within minutes it started to swell and discolour ( no madam the toe). Have you ever tried to do a double limp without the aid of crutches. It looks like someone who has had long term constipation and the senna pods have suddenly kicked in without warning. Being a brave soldier I have carried on, but even slower than usual with tortoises overtaking me. As I have already lowered the tone of this piece I shall take it further down the slope. Tied up on the same dock is the ship Thompson Dream, those who have served on her say being an ex Soviet Cruise ship and quite old it suffers from a few leaks and is affectionately called the Wet Dream by the crew. Last night in the Footlights Theatre we had a 60s revival show with a four piece group called "Revolver" they managed to produce wall to wall nostalgia, you knew every song and every word, everyone came out with smiles on their faces. 

Colouring In

Crafty Invention or Pratt attack?

Sea days




 Both sides of Montego Bay

1 comment:

  1. Brother!Glad to see u r holding up family traditions..awkward. Be brave, hope the pain eases!Really missing you. Luv Anne xx
