Friday 16 September 2016

A night at the Pictures

Last night for a change we went to the Arcadia's onboard cinema known as "The Screening Room" described in the brochure as "boutique" which in plain terms means very small but opulent. It only has twenty or so business class style aircraft seats, this in turn means you have to book your seats in advance. So Janet as organised as ever got us two seats for the 8pm showing of "Hail Caesar"staring George Clooney and many other well known Hollywood A list stars. So we settled back to enjoy the film after about ten minutes it became apparent that the film was not to everyone's taste as the first couple left, shortly to be followed by several more. One chap determined to make his feelings felt said out loud to nobody in particular the best part was the Pearl & Dean advertising film. The elderly gentleman sat next to me was asleep and snoring within the ten minutes of the lights going out, interspersed with moments of earth shattering flatulence, which never caused him to interrupt his rhythmic snoring, which would suggest it was a regular arrangement for him and his body. I must add being in the immediate fall out area with nowhere to go it was quite pungent and suggest he enjoyed curry. Luckily he woke up and voted on the film by leaving, at last I was able to breathe again. We are now half way through the film and there are only six people left to view George's block buster. I must admit it has been a pretty dire, disjointed film and am getting a bit fidgety, I found a button down the side of my seat, as you do, the next obvious stage was I wonder what happens if you push it? First time nothing, so this time a hefty push is in order, my head flies back, feet up in the air taking the wind out of my sails. I was now in the correct position for child birth or a smear. I think for Janet it was the funniest part of the film. As with all these things getting back to the upright is not the easiest thing to do, to achieve it I was having to do my best beached whale impression. Meanwhile back at the film, that is a 103 minutes of my life I will not get back, thank heavens the tickets are free. On another matter of housekeeping some people have said they are having a problem leaving a comment, even if it's only "Rubbish". Ignore the wording "comment" move along and press/click the pencil icon just along from it should do the trick. Hurricane Ian who we had dire warnings about from Captain Ludo and his state of the art seaweed, changed course and we skirted the edge of it at 3am with storm force 11-12 winds. Never even felt it and this morning other than being a bit blowy you would never know anything happened which brings us back neatly to "Hail Caesar" and don't forget to keep your next smear appointment Ladies.

The Doctor will see you now Mr Charlwood.

For Hail read Hell

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant blog Paul, just imagined you in that "cinema' hen the chair became a birthing bed. Never laughed so much. Keep 'em coming Paul. Xx
