Saturday 24 September 2016

The diet of Halifax

Well here we are in Halifax not a whippet, flat cap, black pudding or sign of Nora Batty, one or two of the older cruiser are confused and disappointed. The main topic of conversation when you put two or more Brits in a confined space such as a lift, invariably turns to the weather, it's much better than it was yesterday, at least it's stopped raining, it's dry but quite cold, the list goes on, personally as I retreat into the corner of the lift, the questions I would like answered, which one of you just farted? Who never had a shower this morning and smells of two day old sweat, or I wish this lift could travel faster. Out of the lift, I can now breathe again, down the gangway and fresh Canadian air fills the lungs. If anyone has been to Halifax before, you will know it is a massive working harbour that most of Canada's import and exports come through so depending how busy trade is you can be berthed quite a way from the Cruise Terminal as is our case, but luckily we have a free transit bus laid on, driven by Mike, it's almost like being back home the best you can get out of Mike is a guttural grunt to any question you ask, I find it quite refreshing after a diet of flashing pearly whites and "Have a nice day sir"  I decided not to go on an organised tour today and just have a mooch around Halifax and get a feel for the place, very ordinary, very practical a sort of matter of fact place, proud of its maritime history, where everyone gets on with the job in hand, not good people watching territory. I see quite a few people from the other ship in town Aida, even if you didn't know what country they were from, cashmere cardigans, over the shoulders, jet black slicked back hair, shoulder shrugging, great use of the hands to gesticulate and implore you guessed it in one they are from Barrow in Furness, no seriously no doubting they are Italians by looks or volume. Every shop no matter if it's a book shop, shoe shop, plumbing supplies seems to have a side line in selling original and 100% pure Maple Syrup, just what every, weight watcher, type 2 diabetic needs. I digress here to marvel at the age of technology I have just received a text to tell me my cat "Loulabella" has worms, probably not the purpose that Morse and Alexander Graham Bell had in mind for their great inventions, the question my house sitter and friend "Nunnsy" was asking what course of action should he take. I was tempted to text back "Go Fishing", but luckily my flat is a few doors away from the vets, so annual check up, booster injections, claws clipped and de-wormed in one session and she can take her angst out on "Nunnsy" I should still be in her good books when I get back. Well time to say goodbye and wish Halifax adieu, it will forever remind me of worms.



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