Friday 23 September 2016

You got what in the Pram?

Today we have arrived at our last American stop, Portland, Maine, which we re off on a sightseeing trip around the city, then off to the wonderfully named Kennebunkport, what wondrous sights await us, will this see the end of the ubiquitous "Have a nice Day" smile flashing rows of Osmond family white teeth?  As we clamber aboard our coach for the trip our guide Lin with an "I" introduces her self and introduced the driver Clyde, then she gave her first instruction to Clyde, "hang a right Clyde", Janet and I both started laughing, we immediately thought of Clyde the orangutang in the film "Every which way but loose" with Clint Eastwood. This was further compounded by Lin with an "I" telling us she was an Anglophile and adored the Royal family and especially the Queen's Corkies. I wondered why do you particularly like what I assumed were shoes? Janet in between laughing and crying explained to me she had said Corgis and she was a doggy person, bloody accents. As side note her dogs were in Doggy Day Care while she was out working and had a text to say they were doing great. So eventually we are heading off through all the various parts of the low rise city of Portland on our way to one of the oldest lighthouses in America built sometime in 1800 and frozen to death, a popular stoping point for all the excursions in this part of Maine. We see lots of Americans with stickers and name badges saying Hi I'm Mary Lou, Hi I'm Harold, you get the picture, I am not sure if this is an ice breaker to make friends or it's the annual outing for the baffled and bewildered either is possible, especially when I spot, Hi I'm Hank, wearing a ten gallon hat. After the customary photos and bladder evacuation or in some cases a quick change of Tenna Pads, it's onward to the holiday homes and marinas of the rich and famous, including a promontory with the summer home of ex president George Bush senior. it is noticeable in the Kennebunks (The collective name for the four Kenne's) that they are dressing everything up for the Halloween season, pumpkins everywhere, you can even get pumpkin flavoured ice cream, famous for its Lobster, you even get Lobster & Pumpkin for $19.95c, managed to resist those temptations. Strolling around the many little boutique novelty shops was interesting, especially one called "Second Chance" which as the name suggested was full of object-dart, including tatty old matchbox toys, well played with and battered no box at £20 -£25 a pop. Washboards, flat irons, the stuff that was in the garage and went in the skip or given to the jumble sale. One mans Rubbish as they say. Janet did get tempted with a Burberry coat, but did resist only to purchase gluten free Parmesan crisps and a very stylish white evening top st a knock down price, her excuse was this is the last American port, the dollars had to go. We both agreed Kennebunk was a cross between, Great Yarmouth and Rock in Cornwall, millionaires and paupers side by side. So back to the ship, but not before one or two more surprises, a gentleman pushing a designer pram, only to find the passengers were three Mini Yorkshire terriers, seeing the local horse and carriage ride, which reminded me of Hercules of Steptoe and Son fame, following back a Yellow School bus, which you must not overtake no matter what even if there is free road ahead. We only have to do battle with American security once more to get back on the Arcadia, then it's on to Canada. "Have a nice Day" 


Halloween preperations


Only in America


1 comment:

  1. What a holiday,apart from the shops the sights sound amazing!Look forward to the rest of the story when we meet up. LUV Anne XX
