Monday 26 September 2016

Blowing in the Wind

Heading up the St Lawrence seaway heading for Quebec, seeing lots more shipping, smaller costal trade, that we keep passing, Captain Ludo and his mystic seaweed weather predicted is getting off here and we get a new Captain, we seem to be bombing along, either Ludo has an early flight. Docked in Quebec Marina, gang plank isn't down yet and the crowds are already gathering to get off. The steepness of the gang way is causing major problems for people in wheelchairs, with walking frame, sticks and general mobility problems, having a coffee in Costa onboard and watching with some trepidation as they take the first few chairs down forward, which is downright terrifying for the person in the chair and dangerous in the extreme, luckily no accidents and someone has changed the way they are doing it and not putting too many chairs down at once, there are going to be some sore backs in the morning. It all has to be done again tomorrow, hope fully the Port Authority will have better arrangements for tomorrow. On more light hearted subjects, I have not spotted too many good syrups this time, (Syrup of Figs = Wigs) one bloke does have a corker that looks like two Yorkies mating. This morning with a healthy breeze blowing across the deck, it took me ages to finish my toast for breakfast as I was fascinated by the bloke in front of me who was having a loosing battle trying to keep his Bobby Charlton combover in place, I find things like this hypnotic, I know it is rude to stare but it is almost magnetic. Talking of magnets just got key card number eight for my cabin door.

Bunny & Rosey

That Bobby Charlton Moment

My Haven. Costa Coffee

Approaching Quebec via the St Lawrence Seaway

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