Friday 23 September 2016


Key cards a good invention or a tool of the Devil? I only ask this question as you may remember early on in my sojourn I had to spend time at reception convincing staff I was who I said I was and was the true occupant of cabin E94, which I eventually did, then I became the proud owner of a new key card to solve all my problems, after having received a lecture about keeping it away from any magnetic source, such as a phone, glasses case (the catch contains a small magnet) MRI machine, the North Pole, anyway you get the picture. Seven, yes Seven key cards later, after having the lock electronically re-mastered and re-programmed number Seven is still working at this moment in time, how long will this one last, do I have inbuilt magnetism, have I been visited by Aliens, who really cares, watch this space.

Number 9

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