Thursday 29 September 2016

Periscope Up, with Ice in your drink.

Arrived in Sydney, Nova Scotia early hours of the morning, we are moored about a mile from the Cruise Terminal, the rain is lashing down, the bay is quite choppy and we are due to tender to the Terminal. Watched the first couple of boats leave the protection of the ship and go to open water and the Alton Tower white knuckle rides have started at no extra charge, which is very unusual for P&O as they make a charge to your onboard account at every opportunity. Debating if I should go as I eat something that did not agree with my nether regions last night and don't want to be to far away from a Loo at the moment. I don't think my fellow tender passengers would too impressed if I had to hang the offending part of the body over the side, at least with the ways the waves are lapping up it would have a bidet effect. I think the sensible thing to do would be some toast, water, a couple more tablets, some go faster trainers and a clear line of sight to the Loo. Other than that I am feeling fine, unlike some of the early returners from shore who are looking decidedly green around the gills after their rock n roll adventure ride. There problem looks like being the opposite end to mine, I think a quiet corner a fully charged iPad and an afternoon of Terry Prachett and some surreptitious people watching. This evening we weigh anchor (notice how I am slipping into this maritime vernacular my hearties) and start our run across the Atlantic on The Great Circle Route, where we pass within fifty miles of the last resting place of the ill fĂȘted Titanic. As a precaution I have been enlisted for iceberg watch from Midnight to Two am just to be on the safe side. Some of the more senior Passengers who went through "The Last Lot" are determined that we should have a U-Boat spotting detail as they think the Boche could be active after the Brexit vote, who knows, signing off for now Paul Charlwood, lifeboat number 12, wearing life jacket.

Transport into Sydney

Sydney by the Sea

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